MBS FileMaker Plugin, version 9.5pr4

- Added field to calculation dialog and custom functions editor to show current line number, column number and selection length. (Mac only)
- Added SyntaxColoring.AddContextMenuCommand, SyntaxColoring.ClearContextMenuCommands and SyntaxColoring.RemoveContextMenuCommand functions.
- Improved font check for typing attributes when pasting text into calculation.
- Rewrote the row cache for the syntax highlighting in the script workspace.
- Changed script search to not color yellow the currently selected line.
- Changed MapView.CreateWithControl to make it a bit more tolerant in finding the area.
- Added DynaPDF.GetUserRights function.
- Fixed bug with MapView.ShowAddress zooming too close.
- Updated SQLAPI to version 5.0.1.
- Added checkbox in preferences to turn text positions off.
- Added SyntaxColoring.ShowTextPositions.GetEnabled and SyntaxColoring.ShowTextPositions.SetEnabled functions.
- Fixed range check in GMImage.SetEXIFOrientation.
- Added checks to clipboard functions to return error on FileMaker Server to avoid side effects.
- Updated DynaPDF to library
- Added DynaPDF.CreateXFAStream and DynaPDF.SetXFAStream functions.
- Fixed a problem with XML.ApplyStylesheet only returned first block of text instead of full text.