MonkeyBread Software Releases updated Xojo Kits

We offer six kits aiming to provide additional functionality for iOS projects in Xojo: Addressbook, Events, Audio Player, Encryption, Network and UDP Socket. Our desktop kits Updater, Bugreporter and WebStarter provide valuable code to add to your projects, but may require additional plugins from us.
All Kits have been updated to make sure they work in Xojo 2019.
If you have a current license, bought within the last 12 months, you can use the updates for free.
Otherwise you can order licenses on our websites or in the Xojo store as needed.
The webshop offers the iOS related kits in a discounted bundle named iOS Kit Set.
AddressBookKit 1.1
Address Book access for iOS.
- Updated for Xojo 2019r1
AudioPlayerKit 1.1
Audio Player for iOS and OS X, Midi playback for OS X
- Fixed bug in nameOfInstrument function.
- Uses different codes now to initialize sampler on iOS, so Midi Player works there.
- Added LoadPreset and LoadFromDLSOrSoundFont
- Updated for Xojo 2019r1
BugReporter 1.4
Our crossplatform Bug Reporter engine for Mac OS X, Linux and Windows.
- Fixed constants kClassificationDataLoss, kFailedToCreateTextFile and kInternetTrouble to not have default in french.
- Added #pragmas to avoid warnings
- Updated PHP script with nicer formatting and newer syntax.
- Updated for Xojo 2019r1
EncryptionKit 1.1
Encryption and Compression with Database Connector for iOS.
- DatabaseConnector Server now has a switch in UtilModule to decide if you want to use SQLiteDatabase or MBS SQL Plugin.
- DatabaseConnector Server defaults now on OS X to not use plugin for encryption.
- Added EncodeBase64 and DecodeBase64
- Added AES example.
- Updated for Xojo 2019r1
EventKit 1.3
Calendars, events and reminders for iOS.
- Fixes for MacOS 10.14 Mojave and iOS 12 privacy changes
- Updated for Xojo 2019r1
NetworkKit 1.1
Bonjour, FTP/HTTP/HTTPS for iOS and OS X.
- Fixed bugs in documentation.
- Updated to Xojo 2019r1
- Fixed iOS Table Data Source events
UDPSocketKit 1.0
UDP Socket for iOS
Updater Kit 2.2
Our crossplatform update engine for Mac OS X and Windows.
- Minor bug fixes.
- Updated for Xojo 2019r1.
Web Starter Kit 1.4
Our foundation for new Web Apps.
- Added German and Greek translations beside English
- Fixed SQL creation of table with missing Email and extra Delete column.
- Fixed minor bugs
- MySQL constants for connection credentials
- More fields and tables in SQL are quoted for MySQL
- Switched from InsertRecord for users to Prepared Statements as Xojo doesn’t quote field name correctly.
- Updated for Xojo 2019r1
You can learn more and try the sample applications on our website.