MBS FileMaker Plugin 9.2 - More than 5800 Functions In One Plugin

For MacOS Mojave we added new ContinuityCamera functions. Those allow you to start a process where a nearby iOS device is asked to take a picture and return the picture to the Mac. You can use both iPhones and iPads nearby with at least iOS 12. If you have multiple devices, you can show a popup menu to pick one. And you can choose to scan a document, which allows to merge several pictures taken into one PDF document.
If you like our data structure functions, you may enjoy the new Matrix functions. They provide you a 2D array data structure which preserves the data type of the values. You can fill them with SQL in FileMaker and query their content as text if needed.
As you may know we have printer functions for both MacOS and Windows. For MacOS we got a new set of PageSetupDialog functions to script the page setup dialog. You can select options there automatically and even decide to not show the dialog at all. This allows you to set different paper format for print preview or PDF creation.
We added new TextView functions for MacOS, Windows and iOS to create a plugin controlled text field on a layout. This control is independent from FileMaker and doesn't belong to a record or a layout. It features already functions to load and save styled text, RTF and HTML. You can configure it to use the OS provided spell checker.
On MacOS if you press command-R in a text area for entering calculation or custom functions, you can see the ruler and we add more tab steps for you. You can press Command-I to show invisible characters.
For DynaPDF we added a function to convert colors in PDF pages to e.g. gray scales. You can set PDF viewing preferences, e.g. to open a PDF document with showing two pages at a time. DynaPDF.Initialize got updated for iOS to allow use of DynaPDF library or framework.
Our ListDialog functions can show more than one column and show column headers. You can show dialogs for PKCS12 and X509 on MacOS to show details for them.
If you enjoy our MapView functions to use Apple Maps in FileMaker, please check the new functions to calculate directions. You can show routes in the MapView and get them detailed as JSON. You can format and parse distances for the user in localized format.
Our Drag & Drop control can accept RTF and HTML text data and return it to you. Merging Word files can add a page break in-between. Printing with PDFKit has more options to set. GraphicsMagick can return attributes as JSON and Screen.Scale function tells you the scale of a display.
Finally we updated CURL to version 7.64.1, DynaPDF to, SQLite to 3.28.0 and Xcode to 10.2. LibXL is updated to version 3.8.5 for MacOS and for Linux and Windows.
See release notes for a complete list of changes.