MBS Xojo Plugins, version 18.4pr1

- Changed RegisterMBSPlugin to ignore calls if you already registered before.
- Updated DynaPDF to version
- Added OverlayMBS.Draw event. If used, you need to draw everything yourself via CGContextMBS class.
- Renamed videoCompositionWithPropertiesOfAsset in AVMutableVideoCompositionMBS class to mutableVideoCompositionWithPropertiesOfAsset.
- Added CATextLayerMBS class.
- Added more presets for AVAssetExportSessionMBS class.
- Added NSAttributedStringMBS.Convert_Operator method to convert to string.
- Fixed problem with PNGStringToPictureMBS returning white picture in Xojo 2018r1.
- Added ModuleName, Note and Version properties for GMCoderInfoMBS class.
- Fixed font mapping in GraphicsMagick for Mac and Windows, so SVG convert better and GMImageMBS.Annotate can take font name instead of full path.
- Fixed text encoding for DynaPDFSysFontMBS.FilePath on Mac.
- Added S/Mime functions to OpenSSLMBS module.
- Added PKeyMBS.Open methods.
- Changed minFrameDuration and scaleFactor properties in AVCaptureScreenInputMBS class to be setable.
- Added OverlayMBS.WindowsClassName property.
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