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Crashes with FileMake… »
New in this prerelease of version 8.1 of the MBS FileMaker Plugin:
- Fixed Trace function to ignore extra parameters, if more than 2 passed.
- Disabled variable checking for scripts with > 2000 lines to avoid performance hit.
- Limit search for Loop/If boundaries to 200 rows to avoid performance hit in script workspace with huge scripts.
- Improved variable check to detect undefined variable in variable repetition count.
- Fixed JSON.GetPathItem returning numbers with dot incorrectly for non-english localization. Broken in 7.5.
- Added RefNum parameter to QuickList.New.
- Added Dictionary.CreateNamed function.
- Known issue: Zip functions broken on Linux.
Download at monkeybreadsoftware.de/filemaker/files/Prerelease/ or ask for being added to the dropbox shared folder.
02 03 18 - 19:38