MBS FileMaker Plugin, version 7.0pr2

- Added FM.SQL.Text and FM.SQL.CSV.
- Added FM.AllowFileDragDrop function.
- Updated DynaPDF to version
- Fixed FieldType for Audit.
- Added DynaPDF.RotateTemplate function.
- Added ScriptName to the possible field names for Audit.
- Added PrintDialog.GetPageNumberingOffset and PrintDialog.SetPageNumberingOffset.
- Added scripts to make 32-bit or 64-bit only plugin.
- Fixed WebView.EstimatedProgress.
- Fixed PrintDialog.SetDuplex function (broken in 6.5).
- Added LDAP.AddRecord and LDAP.ModifyRecord functions.
- Updated SQLite to 3.16.1.
- Fixed bug in PKey.GetPrivateKey.
- Added XML.NodeCount function.