Early bird offer ending for MBS Xojo Conference
In the evenings we meet for dinner so you can meet other attendees. Registration is still available and we already have over 60 people coming from fifteen countries. This includes 6 Xojo engineers coming including all the 4 from Europe.
The early bird offer available till 4th February is just 399 Euro plus VAT. Attending the conference costs regularly 499 Euro plus VAT, including food and beverage in the Ellington Hotel as well as an accompanying social program.
The group rate for the hotel (108 Euro single or 118 Euro double room/night, Breakfast extra for 20 Euro/Person/Day) can be cancelled 14 days in advance for free and doesn't need pre payment or credit card. It is available till 4th February 2017. You may find other hotels with cheaper prices if needed in walking distance.
Registration and more Information. Training days in German and English.
For any questions, please contact Monkeybread Software directly.