More menu commands for FileMaker

You can now use diamond and bullet as special setting for MenuItem.SetState function. This will provide on Mac the bullet and diamond images instead of a checkmark.
If you only want to show menu entries if modifier keys are pressed down like shift, command, option/alt or control, we got new functions for this:
MenuItem.SetRequireCommand, MenuItem.SetRequireControl, MenuItem.SetRequireOption and MenuItem.SetRequireShift.
You can also now set on Mac the font style with name, size and bold/italic/underline:
MenuItem.SetBold, MenuItem.SetFontName, MenuItem.SetFontSize, MenuItem.SetItalic and MenuItem.SetUnderline
Finally we got recently an MenuItem.ApplyColor function to set the color of the text:
Still on the wish list is to get more features on Windows, but Microsoft doesn't make this easy. We'll see.