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MBS FileMaker Plugin IDs

With MBS FileMaker Plugin 4.5 we reorganized the IDs in our plugin. Now you can see from the ID where it came from. So ID 14012 is an email. Except if you used more than a 1000 regular expressions and also reached that ID there. But in general we don't expect a lot of people use the plugin so much until they restart FileMaker.
FunctionStarts atType
Menu Items11000text
Regular Expressions13000text
CURL sessions16000text
Midi Streams17000text
GraphicsMagick Image18000text
XL Books19000text
DynaPDF Context20000text
DynaPDF Table21000text
SQL Command22000text
SQL Connection23000text
CoreLocation Geocoder24000text
CoreGraphics Image Source25000text
Addressbook Item26000text
Calendar Item27000text
PDFKit Document30000number
Drag & Drop31000number

As you see most IDs are nowadays returned as text and not as numbers. If you just keep them in variables, things should go right. And for storing in fields, simply use text fields. Storing them in number fields may also work as long as you later read the numbers without dot and decimals. "12345" will work, but "12345.00000" may not.
28 11 14 - 09:57