MBS FileMaker Plugin 3.5 for OS X/Windows - More than 2100 Functions In One Plugin

New functions for barcode help with creating or recognition of barcodes. We support a variety of encodings including EAN, UPC and QRCode. With DynaPDF you can even draw barcodes as vector graphics on a PDF page.
For DynaPDF we added table layout functions which allow the creation of reports, invoices and catalogs. Cells automatically calculate their height based on their content and tables can flow over several pages.
Our DynaPDF functions have been redesigned with a new parameter for a PDF reference number. You need to allocate and later release those PDF references. This enables you to edit several PDFs in different scripts at the same time. You can also now change the page orientation and search text for highlighting it.
A few bugs have been fixed for FileMaker 13. And for Windows we now include a 64bit plugin. You need this new plugin for FileMaker 12 Server with Custom Web Publishing. And of course for FileMaker 13 Server where our plugin works with WebDirect.
For our popular syntax highlighting feature on Mac we can now also show line numbers in scripts which helps for debugging. You can define the color for the line numbers and disable them with plugin commands. If you like you can now let the plugin color script steps in red which contain undeclared variables.
Our network socket functions now support SSL with a few new functions. You can simply enable SSL for an existing connection.
For the Mac address book and calendar databases we now allow trigger scripts, so you can be notified about changes. We also added new functions for alarms and attendees to our calendar functions.
For more details, please check the release notes. Take the time to check out the plugin and try the more than 200 example databases. Maybe you get some ideas on how to use the plugin in your solutions.
For Mac OS X 10.9 Mavericks we have new functions for file tags. And you can now use the media library browser panel. This allows your users to directly insert pictures into a container from the iPhoto library.
We updated SQLAPI to version 4.1.2 and Graphicsmagick functions got support for JPEG 2000 built in.
More details in the release notes. Please take the time to check our 200 example databases and check where you can use our plugin features in your solutions.