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Storing Registration for MBS Filemaker Plugin

We plan to do trainings on our MBS FIlemaker Plugin. And for that we had a nice idea. We could store the license key for the training Mac right in the Filemaker preferences. So before the training, we open a little Filemaker database from an USB stick, run a script and apply the registration key. Than whenever someone uses the plugin on that computer, it is automatically registered.
This feature is also good for my presentations in the future where no more warning dialogs for missing licenses will show up.

To store registration you can use a script step like this:

$r = MBS( "StoreRegistration"; Register::LicenseeName; Register::Component; Register::LicenseType; Register::ExpireMonth; Register::SerialNumber )

As registration details are stored in Filemaker preferences, you need to apply this for every Filemaker version you use. This should also work on a server.
27 11 12 - 12:29