Real Studio Developer Magazine 10.4 published

London Calling by Richard & Trisha Duke
A report from the April 2012 RSUL Conference in London.
Extreme Programming with Real Studio * by Tam Hanna
Extreme Programming (XP) is one way to manage programming projects. Is it the right strategy for your needs?
Using Materialized Views * by Craig Boyd
Most database management systems include a handy but frequently overlooked tool in Materialized Views. Find out what they are and how to use them.
HOTP Authentication * by Mattias Sandstrom
When you need real security, instead of static passwords, you need to use dynamic ones. Here's how to use Google Authenticator with Real Studio.
When Threads Share * by JC Cruz
How to use mutual exclusion so that different threads can share the same resources.
In our regular columns we've got articles on how to handle consulting projects that go bad, cookies in web apps, the art of simplicity, adding a user interface to RBScripts, and much more. Enjoy!