We have a problem

Now on launch the init code of the runtime allocates thread local storage space. After 100 plugins called TlsAlloc, it fails. And Real Studio stops loading any more plugins.
What can we do?
- Increase TSL limit, but how? At least for the IDE raising the limit could help.
- Link with DLL runtime? No, we really don't want you to be required to include vcrt80.dll with your applications.
- Link with LibC instead of LibCMT? That could help, but Visual Studio 2008 has no LibC without multithreading.
- Recompile own runtime library and comment out all those multithread stuff? Well, a lot of work and I bet those multi thread stuff has a reason why it exists.
- Or Real Studio is changed, so plugins are unloaded when Real Studio read the declarations. (except those plugins with controls)
Linux and Mac OS X are not affected.
see also: Feedback case 18043