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New in this prerelease of the 11.3 plugins:
- Updated DynaPDF to version
- Added SplitCommaSeparatedValuesMBS method.
- Added new methods for Lion to NSScrollerMBS and NSScrollViewMBS classes.
- Added NSClipViewMBS class.
- Fixed a few XMP plugin bugs.
- Added JavaPreparedStatementMBS.setBytes method.
- Added getBytes and updateBytes methods to JavaResultSetMBS class.
- Java plugin methods use now Int64 for Longs instead of Double.
- Improved speed for XLS file import in XLSDocumentMBS class.
- Added XLSDocumentMBS.Constructor to take a folderitem.
- Most PNG functions have now default value 0 for gamma parameter.
- Added PNGPictureMBS kDefaultGamma constant.
- Fixed XLSDocumentMBS so it does not crash with more than 32767 rows. Should now work fine up to 65535 rows.
- Added DRDeviceMBS.device and DRDeviceMBS.deviceCount for older Realbasic versions with limited array support.
- Added multi threaded methods to DNSLookupMBS class.
- Changed DNSLookupMBS class. Lookup methods are now shared methods. So if you use Lookup LookupHostbyNameMBS, LookupHostbyAddressMBS or LookupHostbyNameMBS, you need to update your code.
- Updated DNSQueryMBS class to work on console applications.
- Fixed bug in SKPaymentMBS and SKMutablePaymentMBS copy constructors.
- Fixed Window.FullScreenPrimaryMBS getter for Cocoa.
- Added Cocoa support for window.ToolbarVisibleMBS.
- Added PictureMBS.ScaleMT function.
- Removed CopySignMBS, TruncMBS and FDimMBS.
- Removed CommentClassicMBS and CommentCarbonMBS.
- Added more methods to NSTextViewMBS class.
- Added a few new NSGraphicsMBS methods.
- Fixed bugs with UInt32 getter/setter for UnZipFileInfoMBS and ZipFileInfoMBS classes.
- Compiled plugins with Visual Studio 2008 (removed Codewarrior)
- Zip files now created with new tool. Please report problems with decompression.
- Added missing constructors to NSTextFieldCellMBS class.
- Fixed DRBurnMBS.abort function.
Download: macsw.de/plugin/Prerelease
18 08 11 - 11:41